Back pain, shoulder pain, understand the causes of pain with Posture Analysis.
Pain in various parts of the body may be caused by an unbalanced body structure. That comes from daily life or work, such as standing, sitting, and using a computer. with incorrect posture for a long period of time It causes a decrease in efficiency in performing various activities in daily life.
However, if the body is very unbalanced It can affect posture or activities of daily living or athletic performance. Abnormalities in the body’s back structure, such as the shoulder blades, lower back, and pelvis, may not be noticeable on their own.
Body structure analysis (Posture Analysis) by an experienced physical therapist. It will help us understand the cause of the pain. In order to plan treatment appropriately for each individual.
What are the causes of back shoulder pain?
Back shoulder pain can be divided into several causes. Which is related to ยูฟ่าเบท each person’s lifestyle behavior and what kind of life they have lived. What events have you experienced that affected your back and shoulder blades? The main causes of back shoulder can be divided into the following:
1. Back shoulder blade pain that comes from a muscle problem
Back scapula caused by muscles is considered the most common cause of back scapula. It is caused by the muscles around the back shoulder blade as well as the muscles in the shoulder area. It has been used so hard that it has become tight. Or being hit or hit will eventually cause.
2. Back scapula caused by bone problems
For shoulder blade caused by bones. There may be a problem with the bones in the neck. Cervical spine degeneration or have a herniated disc Until the nerves in the back shoulder blade muscles become tight or inflamed, it can cause in the back shoulder blades. But it is considered not very common. Or if found from this cause, it is often found together with muscle pain.
3. Pain in the shoulder blade caused by a bone fracture.
It is caused by an accident that caused the bone in the shoulder blade area to break or break. When a bone fracture occurs, the muscles must tense to support the bone. thus causing or a wound has occurred
4. Back scapula caused by other complications
In addition to other causes As mentioned above, shoulder blade can also be caused by other complications, such as office syndrome. or from a herniated disc And the pinched nerve is the one that connects to the back shoulder blade area , which will cause the muscles to become tight and cause pain in the back shoulder blade.